Western Digital Purple 1TB 2TB 3TB 4TB 6TB 8TB TO 18TB SATA 6Gb/s 3.5"Hard Drive
Western Digital Purple 1TB/2TB/3TB/4TB/6TB/8TB/10TB SATA 6Gb/s 3.5"Hard DriveOPTIONS INCLUDE: 1TB, 2TB, 3TB, 4TB, 6TB, 8TB, 10TB, 12TB, 14TB, 18TB.
Product Highlights • Capacity up to 18TB • Engineered specifically for surveillance security systems.• Tuned for write-intensive, low bit-rate, high stream-count workloads typical to most surveillance applications.• 8TB and above have additional enhancements and higher workload rate for AI-enabled recorders, systems and solutions• Supports up to 10 TB/yr workload rate (Up to 80 TB/yr workload rate on 8TB, 10TB, drives). • Support for more than eight bays.• Tarnish-resistant componenINTERFACE SATA 6 Gb/sFORM FACTOR 3.5-inchPERFORMANCE CLASS 5400 / 7200 RPMClass CAPACITIES 1TB to 10TB