Wholesale Solution
by USAcompuA
New way of selling combined with 25 years of experience
Why Choose USAcompuA?
We understand the importance of home security and strive to offer the best-in-class products and services tailored to your future customer's needs. With USAcompuA, and a catalog of over 900 Products you can rest assured that your business will be ready to grow and expand.
Done for you Solution
Instead of starting from scratch, which can be a time-wasting endeavor. Start ahead of your competition. We'll do the tidius task of keeping your online store running while you focus on what really matters.
Sales Training
Stop using old techniques, that franly don't work anymore, start learning a new way in sales that is more focused on your customers needs. Learn to lower your prospect's guard, and learn what prospect look for in an expert that makes them comfortable in taking next steps.
Smart Easy Integration
We make it easy for you to integrate all your catalog on platforms such as: Wix, Wordpress, Tik-tok, Google Merchant, Amazon and more!
Consultation & Customization
Our experts offer personalized consultations to understand your security needs and customize a solution that fits your lifestyle and preferences.
Shipping Fulfillment
We are committed to ensuring the ongoing functionality of your business providing reliable shipping services. You don't have to worry about packing or storing your future orders. All you need to do is focus on making it!
Partner Benefits
Join forces with USAcompuA as an installer partner to access exclusive benefits, including cost-effective security systems, sales training, e-commerce integration, and seamless shipping fulfillment.
Business Partners
Reliable and Professional
“I started my own company a year ago, and always had to play the numbers game. After months of searching I dedicated to give this program a go, and in a few weeks of training I was closing more deals than I could possibly handle!”
Rolando C.
Exceptional Service
"I was always curios about what the e-market has to offer, but I don't like dealing with people over the phone, I am more of in-person type of person. I had plans of having my wife help me but she needed training. It was great seeing a different approach in sales, it opened my mind to new possibilities."
Luis N.
Nieves Security System
Peace of Mind
"I've been doing this for longer than 20 years, at the beginning I was hesitant to move forward, but at the same time I was struggling with my store, not being able to manage it all by myself. Turns out all I needed was guidance in the right direction and I am glad I found it."
Nelson R.
New York, NY